與Hyukoh學90年代穿搭 Learn how to dress 90s from Hyukoh band

相片 2015-8-24 下午2 57 38

最近深深的愛上了一個樂團的歌曲, 像是迷藥般的無法戒掉每天都一定要聽一遍, 就是hyukoh band, 他們是韓國的獨立樂團, 第一次知道他們是從無限挑戰這個節目上看到, 他們的歌聲讓人印象深刻, 稍微研究了一下他們的成員, 是由吳赫主唱兼隊長所領軍, 目前有發行的歌曲都是由他親自製作, 全部的團員都是1993年出生的, 所以他們才22歲. 如此年輕就有如此實力真的讓人驚豔. 團員們他們不是音樂就是藝術相關背景出身的, 對於專輯設計也別有用心.
I’m so addicted with an indie band from Korea recently, couldn’t stop myself to listen to their music everyday, they call Hyukoh. I started to know them from the famous TV program – infinity challenge. The Hyokoh band is lead by Oh Hyuh, his voice is amazing with a sense of soul; moreover, all the songs they had released so far was all composed by him. And I am surprise all of the band members born in 1993, so it means they are 22 years old so far; how can they be that talent in this age; on the other hand, they have either music or design background, I can see they focus on details in order to have a perfect result.tumblr_np1qcybuWx1t33i1lo1_1280

鮮少上娛樂綜藝節目的他們, 在無限挑戰剛開始如此木訥的表現又多加了很多笑點, 他們剛出現時因為戴上面具穿上袍子所以看不到他們穿著,不過有趣的是haha眼尖了發現他們奇特的穿著, 復古的路線讓他們對於這個組合摸不著頭緒. 我想我不僅被他們的音樂, 也被他們充滿90年代的衣著風格所吸引,他們不像是市面上的kpop樂團的路線,而是走一個我就是喜歡這樣穿不然你要拿我怎麼樣的一個態度,毫不做作只忠於他們自己的個性, 我想這也是我喜歡他們的地方.
Due to lack of experience in attending variety show, they are so quite but such a awkward style make lots of fun in the show as well. When they first appeared in the show they wore mask and robe to cover themselves, so you can’t see the outfit properly, but interestedly HAHA host in the show find their quirky and old school outfit. I think I am not only appeal by their music but their retro 90’s style. Differ from Kpop style out in the market, they be themselves without caring how other people think. I think they don’t give a shit, and this is the main reason why I love them so much.

對於他們的音樂我就是喜歡, 所以我寫這篇文章也不是來評論他們的音樂風格, 因為他們風格多變也不受定義. 我寫這篇的主要目的是因為他們的穿著,讓我又回想起那些90年代的時尚風格,以他們的穿搭為例子讓我們回想起那個時代經典穿衣搭配及配件. 90年代穿在現代也是可以非常時尚的.
I’m writing this article not about commenting Hyukoh music but talking about their outfit. It reminds me all the fashion style in 90s, the purpose is using them as a example of how to wear proper 90s style.

Photo 24-08-2015 20 53 37

1.馬卡龍色褲子 Macaroon color trouser
還記得在節目中,亨敦在翻吳赫衣櫃時,發現了他最愛的粉紅色褲子. 現在的衣服充斥著馬卡龍的色彩,不過在當時已是流行趨勢. 況且馬卡龍色不是女生的專利, 男生穿也別有風味. 上身一定要搭配短袖寬版t-shirt.


Remember the moment when show host Hyeong Don look around Oh Hyuh closet, Hyeong discovered Oh Hyuh favourite pinky trouser. There are lots of design favour Macaron colour palette but it already a hit in 90s. People think Macaron is only for women, but I think men can lead the colour in different way.


2. 花襯衫 Vintage shirt
就像是黑道大哥常穿的那種款式, 那時候被亨敦說像是黑道,的確就是那樣的風格. 不過依90年代的花色來講大多偏向幾何花俏路線, 我超愛那種花紋很美.


Simply to say, just dress like a gangster, as Hyeong Don mentioned in the show, but if you don’t want to look too terrified, you can choose the geometric abstract pattern shirt, the pattern is very pretty.


3.球鞋加上運動踝襪 Sneaker with sporty ankle socks
球鞋的品牌必須是Converse或是Vens, 再搭上運動型的白色踝襪整個味道就出來了. 另外當時也很流行高筒的鞋子.
Not every sneaker fit the style, it needs to be Converse or Vens. Wearing with sporty white ankle socks. Hign-top sneaker is also very popular at that time.


4.寬鬆的褲子,衣服 Oversized garment
當時穿衣風格就是什麼都oversized, 不過也出現像女生的緊身半截上衣, 現在也很常見到. 因為當時很受hiphop所影響, 穿起來的感覺就是要垮垮鬆鬆的.
Don’t think to much just wear everything in oversized. But still in 90’s there is an essential trend – crop tee, is coming back again this season. However, oversized trend was influence by hop hop dress up in some way.


5. 高腰單寧褲 High-waist Denim
高腰單寧褲配上一個腰帶, 上身穿上幾何襯衫就可以去參加90s派對了. 要更高級的話就來個單寧搭單寧, 上半身再搭上一個單寧外套, 穿搭的好看起來一點也不會俗氣.

With Geometric shirt tuck in High waist Denim jeans plus a thick belt, then you are ready for 90’s party. If you’re not afraid of challenge, go with a Denim jacket on top, double denim can be really trendy


6. 亮色同色系西裝 Bright matching suit
在現在看來穿同色系的西裝外套和褲子而且是亮色的穿得不好會被別人白眼吧. 我想要這樣穿的人要很有勇氣, 不過有型的人就沒在怕的. 強尼戴普就很適合這樣搭配.

It’s pretty difficult for normal people to wear bright matching suit, because it will look quite tacky if it doesn’t match well, then it’s going to be a disaster. But some people born with the face and body to wear like that, Johnny Depp looks so stylish with colour matching suit.


7.t-shirt內加長袖 T-shirt with long sleeve inside
其實在現在看來是一個令人不解的組合, 不過我不得不承認我以前曾經這樣穿過, 可能當時覺得很有層次感吧……
I can’t really explain how this combination get so popular, I have to admitted I did wear like this before, maybe I felt it looks great in layers.


6.棒球帽 Baseball cap
在當時正戴棒球帽你就落伍了, 要像神奇寶貝的小智一樣反戴才是最正確的戴法. 另外漁夫帽也是一大流行. 不免發現這些過往的穿搭要件也成為現在年輕人所愛, 所以大家才會一直去翻爸媽的衣櫃.

Will Smith - "The Prince of Bel Air" 1991 Photo Credit: Harry Langdon_Shooting Star
Will Smith – “The Prince of Bel Air” 1991
Photo Credit: Harry Langdon_Shooting Star

If you are wearing baseball cap in a proper way then you are not on the trend, wearing baseball cap backward is the top tip. Apart from baseball cap, bucket hat is a must get accessories at 90s too, so we found there are lots of item in 90s come alive now, parent wardrobe becomes a fashion treasure box.


7.環形耳環 Hoop ring
這種耳環不是所有人都能駕馭的,不過就很適合吳赫的整體造型. 光頭再配上這個耳環就真的看起來壞壞的了.
Not every person look good with the hoop ring, but it fit perfectly well with Oh Hyuh outfit, bald hat plus hoop ring really makes him look like a cool bad ass.


只要按這上面的要點穿就可以和Hyukoh有同樣味道的打扮; 也是他們讓我想到這個新企畫,未來會在有類似這樣的文章,另外沒聽過他們的音樂絕對不能錯過, 會讓你無法自拔的愛上.
If you follow the tips I provide, you can wear like one of them. This is a whole new project for my blog, I think is interesting to come up with this kind of topic. Anyway, if you haven’t listen to their music, you should definitely listen to it, I promise you will love it.

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